Add Resource Results Dialog Box

Use this dialog box to add results to a resource or child resource.


Field Description
Field Name

The field name of the result.


This field defaults to the entry in the Field Name column. You can modify the entry in this field.


Use this field to specify how the result is measured. For example, a unit of measurement might be dollars, or it might be tons.

Rate Set

This field specifies the rate set to be used as a multiplier in the calculation.


Selecting this option instructs Cobra to include this result in the totals of the Project view, the Project Audit, and the report totals. Typically, all results that are in the same currency as the currency defined in the Currency Symbol field of the General tab of the Project Properties dialog box are marked as a currency result. However, if majority of your reports do not include a result such as Fee, you have the option not to mark that result as a currency result. To report on Fee, you can create a calculated result that does have the currency flag. CPR Format 3 reporting includes values found in the Project Audit log. To exclude Fee from the body of the CPR Format 3, do not mark Fee as a currency result.

Note: Any result coded as a currency field must be used as a currency field for all resources within the resource file.
Result Code

The result code is used in reporting to identify specific results in a generic manner.


To display the Add Resource Results dialog box, complete the following steps:

  1. Display the Resource view of the resource file that you want to update.
  2. In the Resources grid of the Resource view, select a resource or child resource.
  3. Click the Calculations tab and display the Add Resource Results dialog box by completing one of the following steps:
    • In the Resources group on the Resource Edit tab, click Add Results.
    • Right-click the Calculation pane and select Add Results on the shortcut menu.